About Open Streets

Who Are We?

So glad you asked! The Open Streets Project is an advocacy project and collaboration between two organizations, 8 80 Cities and Streets Plans, who have extensive experience advocating, organizing, advising, and running Open Streets programs across North America and around the world.  

The goal of The Project is to share information about open streets and increase the number, size, and frequency of initiatives in North America.

8 80 Cities, a non-profit organization based in Toronto, Ontario exists to create safe and happy cites that prioritize people’s well being.  We believe that if everything we do in our public spaces is great for an 8 year old and an 80 year old, then it will be great for all people.  Our mission is to improve the quality of life for people by bringing citizens together to enhance mobility and public space so that together we can create more vibrant, healthy, and equitable communities.  We have collaborated on more than 16 Open Streets programs across North America.

Streets Plans is an award winning urban planning, design, and research/advocacy firm with offices in Miami, New York City, and San Francisco. The firm is known for developing innovative practices to test and implement a wide range of projects for public, private, and non-profit clients. Through the publication of five open-source guides, one full length book, and a materials and design guide, Street Plans is the global leader and steward of the tactical urbanism movement. Our early research and advocacy work led to the founding of the Open Streets Project in 2011