So You Want to Start an Open Streets Program? Great! We’re here to help.

We’ve put together a comprehensive toolkit based on best practices established in cities across the Americas.  From the earliest stages of putting together your core team to engaging community partners to tips for dealing with the media, we’ve got a step by step breakdown of what you’ll need to bring Open Streets to your community!

To build this, we used videos, templates and more, and we have made all of it available to any community.  We also have a list of FAQs and a Google Group so you can find out more and connect with our team as well as others around the world.

Additional Resources


Open Streets is a global movement of projects taking place in communities of all sizes, all over the world. In addition to the sections above we recommend that you check out our interactive Open Streets map where you can learn about active projects from across North America. We’ve also curated a video gallery to help you see how others have started their own Open Streets program.